This post was sponsored by VeeTee Foods Inc. I only work with brands whose products and missions I truly believe in. Thanks for supporting my blog!
Lunch. It’s like the middle child. Breakfast is always considered “the most important meal of the day,” and dinner is what everyone looks forward to at the end of a long day. But lunch? Sometimes it has middle child syndrome. Sometimes it’s ignored, sad and lonely.
Just like most middle children are not sad and are freaking awesome people, your lunch doesn’t have to suffer either! It too can be exciting and something to look forward to, while also being healthy and wholesome. Middle child syndrome? I think not.
These 5 vegan lunch ideas are perfect to pack up in your lunchbox for work or school, or anywhere you’re going. I have a pretty busy semester, so packing my lunch is a must this spring. Time to dust off the lunchbox!
When I’m packing my lunches, fast and simple is king queen. I don’t need a 4-course meal to take to campus – just some simple, wholesome goodness that will fuel my brain for all of my classes (aka economics and chemistry, which I’m not too excited for😅). Gimme all the brain food!
My normal packing formula is beans + grains + lots of vegetables. Pretty simple, right? Some of my favorite grains to choose from are sweet potatoes, quinoa, sprouted whole grain bread, and rice. But who has time to cook rice on a busy school/work week? Not I.
Luckily I got my hands on some VeeTee microwavable rice to use in these vegan lunch ideas! They’ve already done the work for you, so all you have to do is pop the container in the microwave for a couple minutes and enjoy! Oh, and recycle the container, plz & thank u. 🌱
I used both their brown rice and jasmine rice in all these recipes, but you can pick whichever you want to use. These are packed with wholesome ingredients like vegetables, beans, rice and avocados to keep you satisfied during a long day. I have a fun video to show you how easy it is to make these lunches!
Let’s get to the recipes! (Click on the title of each recipe to get to the recipe. I can’t put more than one recipe in a post – I’m sorry!)
Vegan Burrito Bowl
Vegetable Fried Rice
Vegan Sushi Bowl
Mediterranean Chickpea Salad
Thanks to VeeTee Food Inc. for sponsoring this post! I love working with brands whose products I really love and would honestly recommend. Thank you for supporting this blog that I love oh-so-much so I can bring you delicious recipes!